During just such a trying day not too long ago, our gracious Father led me to read Isaiah 66:13, which says, " 'As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you,' says the Lord." I have read this verse many times in the past, but it has taken on a deeper understanding now that I am a mother. Just a few days later, Claire was not feeling well, and I spent a lot of time just holding and rocking her. While I was rocking her, my thoughts went back to the above verse. I began meditating on how a mother comforts her child....tenderly, gently, lovingly, patiently, selflessly, unconditionally. There are times in a young (or in my case, young-ish) momma's life, and at every stage of motherhood for that matter, when we need God to comfort us tenderly and to soothe us. What a blessing to hear Jesus promise to comfort us tenderly just as we do our own children!
Isaiah 40:11 tells us that Jesus "gently leads those that have young." I love this verse! I tear up just thinking about it. I am greatly comforted to know that God does not expect me to be a perfect mom (despite the pressure that I put on myself) or to "get it right" every day of Claire's life. He knows that I cannot be an effective mother or the mother that Claire needs in my own power or ability (or sanity!). That is why He promised to gently lead me and all you other mommas out there. I like to think that God ordained for the adverb "gently" to be in this verse because He knew just how frazzled we can become in conducting our momma duties!
Here are two more of my favorite verses for being encouraged in motherhood:
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness" (Jer. 31:3).
"The Lord your God is with you; He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing" (Zeph. 3:17).
Are you having a rough day/week/month/season of motherhood? Do you need Jesus to comfort you tenderly? Do you need Him to lead you gently? Do you need Him to quiet you with His love? Do you need to know that He delights in you and that He is with you? Meditate on these verses and listen for God to speak to you. He longs to be gracious to you, and He rises to show you compassion (Isaiah 30:18).

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